Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Smoked Mackrel Tower

Smoked Markrel tower with Wilted Spinach and Mozerella.


1 bag of baby spinach (fresh)
3 Fillets of Smoked Mackrel
2 Average mozerella balls
Sweet chilli sauce.

really easy, but super impressive starter. The Key is the mould. I use a scone cutter we got from a department store, but depending on how you want the towers (thickness, height etc...) you can use whatever.
have your Mackrel broken up and then molded into discs (burger shaped). Slice the mozerella into medium thick discs.
Wilt the spinach on a medium heat in a tiny bit of water, adding salt and black pepper and one clove of garlic (in the skin, but with 3 or 4 incisions made-this lets the flavour seep out in the heat, but doesnt make it too strong).
When spinach is done, place in mould on plate and press, allowing excess liquid to drain. Then Add layer of fish. put am even spread of sweet chilli on the fist and then put mozerella on top. Press down in mould, allowing any further liquid to drain and remove mould leaving tower. I garnish with an anchovy, but depending on taste crispy bacon may suit better. A drizzle of olive oil and your sorted.

The flavour is fresh and interesting, but the presentation is also a knockout for dinner parties.

Total cooking time: 8 minutes.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Classic, common and regular- Spag Bol

Everyone can do spag bol, but here's my tried and tested formula to get started with. Best to get the east stuff with first!

Ingredients (alternate ingredients in brackets):

500g lean minced Beef, preferably round steak (Lean Minced Lamb)

680g Banalun Chopped tomatoes (tin of chopped tomatoes/passata/other tomato based products)

1 medium onion

3 Cloves of Garlic

One red chilli (one teaspoon of crushed, dried chillies)

Seasoning: Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg

Herbs: Thyme, Rosemary, Basil, Bay leaves (mixed herb prepacks will suffice)

3 Tablespoons of red wine (any old crap will do, provided its not total shite)

2 Teaspoons of soy sauce

Optional addidions, depending on taste: Diced red and Green Peppers, celery, carrots (chopped thin)



  1. put mince into preheated large sauce pan. No oil is needed as meat juices will suffice. Stir until meat is browned.
  2. Add chopped onion and crushed garlic and stir thoroughly until smell of cooked onion starts to become apparent.
  3. Add the crushed tomatoes and stir further.
  4. Add herbs now, and allow to to stew for 10-15 minutes
  5. Add further optional ingredients if desired.
  6. Taste sauce now, and add seasoning depending on taste. Salt, pepper and nutmeg.
  7. After further 2-3 minutes add wine and soy sauce, again depending on taste.
  8. allow to simmer on a low heat.
  9. Procees to cook spaghetti in salted water with extra virgin olive oil broght to to boil. Check every minute after first ten minutes. when aldente, strain.
Serve on plates with reasonable amount of spagetti, and generous amount of sauce in the middle. Dress table with Black pepper and fresh, grated parmesan cheese.

Serve with fruity red wine, preferable a Rioja.